
Campagnari Estate Ltd.
Jessica Paul
Eichholternweg 2
6403 Küssnacht am Rigi
Tel : +41 78 625 25 47
E-Mail :

Campagnari Estate is a public limited company registered in the Swiss Commercial Register with its registered office in Küssnacht am Rigi. The company identification number is CHE-288.183.018. The Swiss ID is CH-130-3031093-9.

The copyright for all contents of this website is held by Campagnari Estate AG.

All texts and links have been carefully checked and are constantly updated. We endeavor to provide accurate and complete information on this website, but do not accept any responsibility, guarantee or liability that the information provided through this website is accurate, complete or up to date. We reserve the right to change the information on this website at any time without notice and make no commitment to update the information contained herein. All links to external providers were checked for accuracy at the time of their inclusion, but we are not liable for the content and availability of websites that can be reached via hyperlinks. For illegal, incorrect, or incomplete content and in particular for damage caused by the content of linked pages, the provider of the page to which the link refers shall be solely liable. It is irrelevant whether the damage is of a direct, indirect or financial nature or any other damage that could result from loss of data, loss of use or other reasons of any kind.

General privacy policy of Campagnari Estate AG

1. What is this privacy policy about?

Campagnari Estate AG, Eichholternweg 2, 6403 Küssnacht am Rigi (hereinafter also referred to as “Campagnari”, “we” or “us“) processes personal data relating to you or other persons in different ways and for different purposes. “Personal data” means any information that can be associated with a particular individual and “process” means any handling of it, such as obtaining, using and disclosing it.
In this privacy policy, we explain how we collect and process such data (hereinafter referred to as personal data or data), e.g. when you visit our websites (, you obtain our services, you are in contact with us within the framework of a contract or you have other dealings with us.
We have aligned this data protection declaration with both the Swiss Data Protection Act (DSG) and the European General Data Protection Regulation (DSGVO). Where the term “personal data” is used in the data protection declaration, this also includes “personal data” as defined in the GDPR. Whether and to what extent the GDPR is applicable at all depends on the individual case.
If you transmit or disclose data about other persons, such as details of family members etc., we assume that you are authorised to do so and that this data is correct. By submitting data about third parties, you confirm this. Please also ensure that these third parties have been informed of this privacy policy.

2.  Who is responsible for processing your data?

For the data processing according to this data protection declaration, the following company is the “responsible party”, i.e. the party primarily responsible under data protection law, unless otherwise communicated in individual cases (e.g. on forms or in contracts ):

Campagnari Estate AG
Eichholternweg 2
6403 Küssnacht am Rigi

If you have any questions about data protection, please feel free to contact us at the following address:

3. What data do we process?
We process different categories of personal data depending on the occasion and purpose. The most important categories are listed below, although this list is not exhaustive.
You provide us with much of the data mentioned in this section yourself (e.g. via forms, in connection with contracts, when using the website, etc.). You are not obliged to do so, subject to individual cases . However, we may also obtain personal data from third parties, e.g. from offices for which you work or from third parties such as our contractual partners, associations and from publicly accessible sources (e.g. debt collection register, land registry offices, etc.) or the Internet.

    • Master data: This refers to basic data that we require for the processing of our business relationships or for marketing and advertising purposes, e.g. Salutation, surname and first name, gender and date of birth, address, e-mail address, mobile number, family data (e.g. marital status, nationality and status of residence permit, details of professional profile and education as well as employment (e.g. employment relationship, employer, start of employment). civil status), nationality and status of residence permit, details of professional profile and education as well as employment (e.g. employment relationship, employer, start of employment), details of income and asset situation (e.g. gross income, rent and assets), details of housing situation, your customer history, signature authorisations and declarations of consent.

      • Contract data: Contract data is information that accrues in connection with the conclusion or execution of the contract, e.g. information about contracts and the services to be provided or provided, application process, information about the type and duration as well as conditions of the relevant contract, data on the termination of the contract, contact details, information about payments and payment modalities, invoices, mutual claims, contacts with employees, complaints, defects, information about customer satisfaction, complaints, feedback, etc., possibly also access data and logins.

        • Communication Data : Communication data is data relating to our communication with you, e.g. name, postal address, content of correspondence (e.g. emails, written correspondence, chat messages), details of the nature, time and possibly location of the communication and other peripheral data relating to the communication.

          • Technical data : Technical data is collected in connection with the use of our websites, e.g. IP address of the terminal device and device ID, information about your device, the operating system of your terminal device or language settings, information about your Internet provider, accessed content or logs in which the use of our systems is recorded, date and time of access to the website as well as your approximate location, information about the accessed content and files in the user account as well as other information that is collected when using the user account.

            • Behavioural and preference data : To best tailor our services to you and find out what your likely needs are, we try to get to know you better and tailor our services better to you. To do this, we collect and use data about your behaviour as well as your interests and preferences. This includes, for example, your specific behaviour on our websites, information about your use of electronic communications (e.g. whether and when you opened an email or clicked on a link, especially when sending newsletters). For this purpose, we may link behavioural and preference data with other data (e.g. with anonymous information from statistical offices) and analyse this data in a personal and non-personal manner. This allows us to draw conclusions about characteristics, preferences and anticipated behaviour.

              • Other data : We may also collect data from you in other situations, e.g. photos, videos and sound recordings of occasions, in official or legal proceedings or who participates in competitions.

              4. How do we process data in connection with our services?

              If you use our services, we process data for the preparation of the conclusion of the contract, for the implementation of the corresponding contract and in the follow-up of a service, e.g. if you have feedback. We use this data because, for example, we cannot process contracts without it or otherwise offer our services.

                • We may advertise our services, e.g. through newsletters. You will find more information on this under para. 5 further details.

                  • In order to be able to offer our services, we work together with various cooperation partners (e.g. banks, other real estate agents, insurance companies, legal and tax advisors, craft businesses and other service providers primarily in the real estate industry, but also cooperations with any other business partners). Where necessary, we also pass on personal data relating to you in order to be able to offer you a comprehensive and satisfactory service. Where possible, we will inform you in advance of any disclosure.

                    • Before we conclude a contract, we can check the creditworthiness of our contractual partner.

                      • We also process the above data for statistical evaluations (e.g. which services are most in demand, in which regions there is a large supply, etc.). Such evaluations support the improvement and development of services and business strategies. We may also use them in a personalised manner for marketing purposes; for more information, please refer to section 5. 5 further details.

                      5. How do we process data in connection with advertising?

                      We also process personal data in order to advertise our services and, where applicable, third-party services:

                        • Newsletter: We send out electronic information and newsletters, which also contain advertising for our services, but also for offers from other companies with which we cooperate. In this context, in addition to your name and e-mail address, we also process information about which services you have already used, whether you open our newsletters and which links you click on. For this purpose, our email delivery service provider provides a function that essentially works with invisible image data that is loaded from a server via a coded link and thereby transmits the corresponding information. This is a common method that helps us to assess the effect of newsletters and to optimise our newsletters. You can avoid this measurement by setting your email programme accordingly (e.g. by switching off the automatic loading of image files).

                          • Online advertising: If you have consented to data processing by third-party providers, we may also use your contact data to address you with advertising on third-party platforms. In doing so, we work with established and market-standard providers to whom we transmit your data in encrypted form. The providers carry out an overlap analysis with the data encrypted by the provider. If this analysis shows that you are also registered with the respective provider and have consented to their data processing, we may display advertising to you. According to European data protection law, we are jointly responsible with the provider and have concluded the corresponding contracts.

                            • Market research: We also process data to improve services, e.g. your response to newsletters or information from customer surveys and polls or from social media, media monitoring services and public sources.

                            6. How do we process data in connection with our website?

                            We use your technical data to enable you to use our website, to ensure system security and stability and to optimise our website, and for statistical purposes.

                            6.1. How and for what purpose do we use cookies and similar technologies?

                            We use third-party services for our website in order to measure and improve the user experience of the website and online advertising campaigns. To do this, we may embed third-party components on our website, which may in turn use cookies. When we track you or use similar technologies, the essence is that we can distinguish accesses from you (via your system) from accesses from other users so that we can ensure the functionality of the website and carry out statistical analyses. We do not want to infer your identity in the process. The techniques used are designed in such a way that you are recognised as an individual visitor each time you access the site, for example by our server (or the servers of third parties) assigning you or your browser a specific recognition number (so-called “cookie“).

                            Cookies are files that your browser automatically stores on your terminal device when you visit our website. Cookies contain a unique identification number (an ID) that allows us to distinguish individual visitors from others, but usually without identifying them. Depending on the intended use, cookies contain further information, e.g. about pages accessed and the duration of the visit to a page. On the one hand, we use session cookies, which are deleted again when the browser is closed, and on the other hand, permanent cookies, which remain stored for a certain duration after the browser is closed and are used to recognise visitors on a subsequent visit.

                            In particular, we may use cookies for the following purposes: Personalising content, serving personalised ads and offers, serving ads on third party websites and measuring success, i.e. whether you respond to those ads (remarketing), saving preferences between your visits, determining whether and how we can improve our website, collecting statistical data on the number of users and their usage habits, and improving the speed and performance of the website. We may also process your contact details to target you with advertising on third party platforms.

                            We may also use similar technologies, e.g. LinkedIn Insight Tags or Pixel Tags to store data in the browser. Pixel tags are small, usually invisible images or program code that are loaded from a server and thereby transmit certain information to the server operator, e.g. whether and when the website was visited. Fingerprints are information that is collected during your visit to our website via the configuration of your terminal device or your browser, and which make your terminal device distinguishable from other devices.

                            6.2 How can cookies and similar technologies be disabled?

                            When accessing our website, you have the option of activating or deactivating certain categories of cookies. You can configure your browser in the settings so that it blocks certain cookies or similar technologies or deletes existing cookies and other data stored in the browser. You can also enhance your browser with software (so-called “plug-ins”) that blocks tracking by certain third parties. You can find out more about this in the help pages of your browser (usually under the keyword “data protection”). Please note that our website may no longer function fully if you block cookies and similar technologies.

                            6.3 Cookies from partners and third parties on our website

                            We use third party services to help us measure and improve the user experience of the website and online advertising campaigns. Third-party service providers may also be located outside of Switzerland and the EU/EEA, provided that the protection of your personal data is adequately ensured (cf. para. 10). For example, we use analysis services so that we can optimise and personalise our website. The relevant third-party providers may record the use of the website for this purpose and combine their recordings with further information from other websites. In this way, they can record user behaviour across several websites and end devices in order to provide us with statistical evaluations on this basis. The providers may also use this information for their own purposes, e.g. for personalised advertising on their own website or other websites. If a user is registered with the provider, the provider can assign the usage data to the relevant person.

                            One of the most important third-party providers is Google. You can find more information about them below. Other third party providers usually process personal and other data in a similar way .

                              • Google Analytics, an analysis service of Google LLC (1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA, USA) and Google Ireland Ltd. (Google Building Gordon House, Barrow St, Dublin 4, Ireland; both together “Google”, whereby Google Ireland Ltd. is responsible for the processing of personal data). Google uses cookies and similar technologies to collect certain information about the behaviour of individual users on or in the relevant website and the terminal device used for this purpose (tablet, PC, smartphone, etc.). Google collects information about the behaviour of users on the website and the end device used and provides us with analyses on this basis, but also processes certain data for its own purposes. We have configured Google Analytics so that visitors’ IP addresses are anonymised before being forwarded to the USA. You can find information on Google Analytics data protection here. You can deactivate Google Analytics by installing an appropriate browser add-on.

                              7. How do we process data for social media appearances?

                              We offer you the option of using a “social media button” on our website, currently from Facebook, Instagram and TikTok. The button leads to linked profiles. The offers are deactivated by default. As soon as you activate them (e.g. by clicking on the button), the respective providers can determine that you are on our website. If you have a corresponding account with the social media provider, they can assign this information to you and thus track your use of online offers. The responsibility for data protection-compliant operation lies with the respective provider. We therefore recommend that you read the privacy policy of the respective social media provider.

                              8. What applies to profiling and automated decisions?

                              We may use your data in accordance with para. 3 process and evaluate your data automatically. This also includes so-called profiling, i.e. automated evaluations of data for analysis and forecasting purposes, to determine preference data, but also to determine abuse and security risks. The most important examples are profiling for combating money laundering, fraud prevention, credit assessment and risk management, customer care and marketing purposes.

                              9. How do we work with service providers?

                              We use various services from third parties, especially from other real estate service providers, in the area of IT services, for shipping and logistics services but also services from banks, the post office, consultants, other business partners, etc. For information on service providers for our website, please refer to para. 6 Details.

                              10. Do we disclose personal data abroad?

                              Our recipients of data are not only located in Switzerland. This applies in particular to certain service providers (e.g. IT service providers). These may also be located outside the European Economic Area (EEA) and Switzerland (especially in the USA), but also in other countries worldwide. We may also transfer data to authorities and other persons abroad if we are legally obliged to do so or, for example, in the context of a company sale or legal proceedings (see para. 11). Not all of these countries currently guarantee a level of data protection equivalent to Swiss law. We compensate for the lower level of protection by means of appropriate agreements, in particular the standard contractual clauses issued by the European Commission and recognised by the Swiss Data Protection and Information Commissioner (FDPIC). Further details and a copy of these clauses can be found here.

                              In certain cases, we may transfer data in accordance with data protection requirements even without such contracts, e.g. if you have consented to the relevant disclosure or if the disclosure is necessary for the performance of the contract, for the establishment, exercise or enforcement of legal claims or for overriding public interests.

                              11. Are there any other data processing operations?

                              Very many processes are not possible without processing personal data, including common and even unavoidable internal processes. This cannot always be precisely determined in advance, nor can the extent of the data to be processed in the process. You will find information on typical (though not necessarily frequent) cases as follows:

                                • Communication: If we are in contact with you (e.g. to answer enquiries and to contact you in case of queries), we process information on communication content about the type, time and place of the communication. We may also process details of proof of identity to identify you. We retain this data primarily to document our internal communications with you, for training purposes, for quality assurance and for follow-up enquiries.

                                  • Compliance with legal requirements: In order to comply with laws, directives and recommendations from authorities and internal regulations, we use your master data and contract data in particular.

                                    • IT security and prevention: We process personal data to ensure IT security, to prevent fraud and abuse, for evidence purposes, but also for backups and archiving of data.

                                      • Legal proceedings: Insofar as we are involved in legal proceedings (e.g. court or administrative proceedings), we process data e.g. about parties to the proceedings and other persons involved, such as witnesses or respondents, and disclose data to such parties, courts and authorities, possibly also abroad.

                                        • Other purposes: We process data to the extent necessary for other purposes such as contract management, accounting, enforcing and defending claims, evaluating and improving internal processes, compiling anonymous statistics and evaluations and for safeguarding other legitimate interests.

                                        12. How long do we process personal data?

                                        We store and process your personal data for as long as it is necessary for the purpose of processing (in the case of contracts, usually for the duration of the contractual relationship), for as long as we have a legitimate interest in storing it (e.g. in order to enforce legal claims, for archiving and or to ensure IT security) and for as long as data is subject to a statutory retention obligation (for certain data, for example, a ten-year retention period applies). If there are no legal or contractual obligations to the contrary, we will destroy or anonymise your data after the storage or processing period has expired as part of our normal processes.

                                        13. On what legal basis is the data processing based?

                                        Depending on the applicable law, data processing is only permitted if the applicable law specifically allows it. This does not apply under the Swiss DPA, but does apply under the GDPR, for example, insofar as it applies (which can only be determined on a case-by-case basis). In this case, we base the processing of your personal data on the fact that it is necessary for the preparation and execution of contracts, that it is necessary for legitimate interests of us or third parties, e.g. for statistical evaluations or for marketing purposes, that it is required or permitted by law or that you have separately consented to the processing. You will find the relevant provisions in Art. 6 and 9 of the DSGVO.

                                        Incidentally, you are not obliged to disclose data to us, with the exception of individual cases (e.g. if you have to fulfil a contractual obligation and this involves disclosing data to us). However, we must process data for legal and other reasons when we conclude and execute contracts. The use of our website is also not possible without data processing (see para. 6).

                                        14. How do we protect your data?

                                        We take appropriate security measures to protect the confidentiality, integrity and availability of your personal data, to protect it against unauthorised or unlawful processing and to protect it against the risks of loss, accidental alteration, unauthorised disclosure or access. However, security risks cannot generally be completely ruled out; residual risks are unavoidable.

                                        15. What rights do you have?

                                        You have certain rights under applicable data protection law so that you can obtain further information about and act on our data processing:

                                          • Right to information: You can request further information about our data processing or submit a request for information if you would like further information and a copy of your data.

                                          • Objection: You can object to our data processing (e.g. processing for marketing purposes).

                                            • Correction: You can have incorrect or incomplete personal data corrected or completed or supplemented by a note of objection.

                                              • Transfer: You also have the right to receive the personal data you have provided to us in a structured, common and machine-readable format or to have it transferred to a third party, insofar as the corresponding data processing is based on your consent or is necessary for the performance of the contract.

                                                • Revocation: If we process data on the basis of your consent, you can revoke your consent at any time. The revocation is only valid for the future and we reserve the right to continue to process data on a different basis in the event of a revocation .

                                                If you wish to exercise any rights against us, please contact us in writing (see para. 2). As a rule, we will have to verify your identity (e.g. by means of a copy of your identity card). You are also free to lodge a complaint against our processing of your data with the competent supervisory authority, in Switzerland the Federal Data Protection and Information Commissioner (FDPIC).

                                                Status of the data protection declaration: August 2023